
Dział sprzedaży
Piotr Mamos
kom. 605 057 347


Ewa Zwierzyk
kom. 785 340 170

Dział Motoryzacyjny
Martyna Hordziejewicz
kom. 721 464 118
Marcin Frankowski
kom. 607 655 120


Paweł Zawada
kom. 661 519 190


Dział Przemysłowy

Krzysztof Wróblewski
kom. 609 236 018

About the company

Our mission statement

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year Round he simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday

Achieving our goals in 2016

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year Round he simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday

Our annual report

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year Round he simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday

Our mission statement

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year Round he simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday

Achieving our goals in 2016

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year Round he simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday

Our annual report

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year Round he simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday